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  • Dave Corbet

Creating buy-in to change at Rotherham

Updated: Mar 13, 2019

In 2017 as the vision for the way Rotherham council worked was starting to be delivered, the senior team prioritized building the commitment and ownership of all managers to transforming the culture of the organization. The senior team wanted to create a more joined up way of working, where people worked together to solve the challenges they faced. This was at odds with the previous ways of working, where people worked in silos and were reactive rather than proactive in solving problems.

"The work Greengage did for us allowed us to build commitment across the organization and accelerated that shift."

Greengage was asked to work with managers across the whole organization to help to embed the Rotherham Way - agreed standards of management behaviour and performance. The aim was to do this work in a way that modelled some of the key areas where it was recognized that change was needed but most of all to build the commitment of managers to change.

“The way Greengage worked challenged the existing mindset of managers, brought managers together to identify common ground and build buy-in. The work underpinned our One Council approach and helped embed a new way of thinking that is has been a key part of us transforming the way the organization works. We now collaborate instinctively and work from shared objectives across teams. The work Greengage did for us allowed us to build commitment across the organization and accelerated that shift.” Sharon Kemp, Chief Executive.

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